We worked with Paul at Duracell many years ago. Remember him still as a lovely man. So sorry for your loss.
Sam Falconer and Dave Smith
7th November 2022
Thank you for caddying for me, PQ. Dashing back and forth across Suffolk to carry my bag, nipping home to make sure your dogs were okay between rounds, and chatting me around the course! You were never far from a conversation - golf, football, or going somewhere with my Dad - and of course, seeing you at the club or at home when you popped in on your way past. Keep looking dapper!
15th September 2022
Oh PQ, so incredibly saddened to hear you’ve passed. What a shock. I loved working with you at Cosine - always such a charming gentleman and so kind to everyone. It was always a good day when PQ was in! May the heavenly golf courses welcome you and allow you to rest in peace. Sending much love to your wife and family at such a sad time as they learn a life without you. :(
Emma Gilbert
15th September 2022