Go Ape Fun, Geese & Prawns a go go!

Created by Carol 2 years ago

Memories of PQ that illustrate both his cheeky side and his kind nature. At Cosine we had a team building day at Go Ape; they asked for a volunteer to demonstrate how to wear the safety harness and immediately PQ voluteered as there was a small stage (he loved any kind of performing) and he also knew none of us would be the first to put our hand up. As he got into the harness and the instructor strapped it around his legs, it quickly became clear that it was strongly emphasising how shall I put this “his groin area” - the instructor seemed to be oblivious to this and kept asking us to look more closely at how it was being tied (which to be felt honest felt a bit wrong & there was a lot of laughing & awkward trying not to look) all the while PQ grinned and winked at us, claiming afterwards to not know what all the fuss was about, but being sure to tell us that Mrs Q was a lucky woman! 

Other memories are of him always leading the 12 days of Christmas at the Cosine xmas party, he would host the evening and make sure all of us enthusiastically sang our given lines, with plenty of appropriate gestures (people doing their best geese a laying / lords a leaping impressions). He always wanted to entertain & ensure people were having a great time, he loved bringing people together & creating memories and was always at the centre of any work event.

Finally - its the small things you remember, there was an office team meeting and PQ volunteered to bring lunch, anyone else would have picked up some sandwiches & some crisps, but PQ was determined to set the bar very high. He got there early (he was always early) and brought out this amazing plate of prawns (he had even brought lemons and cut them into little wedges) and lots of other delicious deli items - we were blown away by the effort and his thoughtfulness & I truly think that sums PQ up, he just thought about how he could bring a bit of joy / make the occasion better and always put the effort in. 

Love Carol AKA Gobi Wan Kenobi
